Nazgul Tolopbergenova aus Bishkek: Stiftung “Ich will hören”
posten in Mgt Blog anbieten eine Homepage in ? Kosten von Sponsor – !! Nazgul weiss wie man fund raised 3.
posten in Mgt Blog anbieten eine Homepage in ? Kosten von Sponsor – !! Nazgul weiss wie man fund raised 3.
Per REPLY Weitergeleitet zur Info und Test MG On Sun, 14 Aug 2022 at 12:50, Monika Lehnhardt <monika.lehnhardt> wrote: 1. Zwei Präsentationen für HEAL Konferenz – Vorträge gehalten am 17./18.6. nach NHS gute Diskussion. SIND DIE PRÄSENTATIONEN AN DIE TEILNEHMER DES RT BISHKEK GESCHICKT WORDEN? WO WERDEN SIE VERÖFFENTLICHT? noch nicht,wir haben besprochen, dass für … Read more
машинный перевод см. вниз Dear Nastja, could we talk today at 5pm your time or later ? We have started to install a Website for you to upload content, such as videos, reports, profile of your therapists, etc. and the technical setup for local monitoring by exports from remote via Online ("Hybrid Fitting/Monitoring Center") Monika … Read more
Forwarded from email group by MG REHA proposal Kyrgyzstan Rehabilitation program for children (2022-2024)(1).pdf Presentation масрс – iahrs_Anastasia.pdf
Lieber Peter & Monika, der Text passt genau, wie schon besprochen. Zu Shirin: das Problem – für Abdulsalam und ebenso für uns – liegt ja darin, dass Gulzat nicht die Shirin als Manager seitens der Klinik haben will. Und Shirin auch nicht die fachliche Autorität und Management Erfahrung hat, um sich gegen Med-El / Primakov/Medinkus … Read more
Draft Monika Lehnhardt , 27. Juli 2022, 18:17: Dear Dr. Gulzat Maimerova, Thank you for inviting us to the Online meeting on July 26th which was obviously initiated by Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Qahtani. We were very glad we could make it despite very short notice. May I kindly ask you to let me know what the … Read more
Scheduled meeting on Thursday July 28 at 19pm (Bishkek time) login: Google Meet Video Con Dear team, please participate in the first meeting for a coordinated exchange of opinion and discussion of further steps after the strategic relevant meeting of July 26, which was called by Gulzat upon request of Dr.Abdulsalam. Please give a feedback … Read more
Dear Dr. Gulzat Maimerova, Thank you for inviting us to the Online meeting on July 26th which was obviously initiated by Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Qahtani. We were very glad we could make it despite very short notice. May I kindly ask you to let me know what the outcome was. Our Lehnhardt Foundation has a very … Read more
Разговаривала с директором: Дублируем письмо в минздрав по поводу комиссии. Комиссия по отбору на уровне МЗ КР. А комитет на уровне НЦОМиД- по поводу этого начала работу Чолпон Кубанычбековна совместно с юристом. Нужно положение и обязанности каждого члены комитета. Письмо в посольство по поводу МАСРС. Она просит все документы МАСРС для юриста и правовой оценки. … Read more
Dear Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Qahtani, Thank you very much for initiating the Online meeting on July 25. May I kindly ask you to let us know what was the final outcome? We have a very similar legal issue as the Lehnhardt Foundation. There is a contract between us and NCMCC which is the basis for the two … Read more