Follow up meeting – Foundation National Academy

Dear Mrs. Gulzat Maimerova,

following to the last meeting we have drafted the basics for setting up the "National Academy oh Hearing" here:

In this article a pdf can be opened for a print and it is possible to directly post comments and questions.

It contains the minimum text which is requred for the setup of the formal documents for registration.

Could we please have a joint meeting to clarify, which questions are open and which documents refering to the previous talks about this issue you have received meanwhile.

30 min should be sufficient and it should be as soon as possible, from Tuesday afternoon on.
Sorry for this time pressure. But unfortunately time is of essence insofar, as the donation from the German Embassy requires the previous registration and must be done until beginning of July. Mrs. Amabassador is leaving in July and the case must be closed before.

Thank you for your kind cooperation, Saltanat will contact you tomorrow morning
best regards,
MIchael Goriany

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